Monday, April 30, 2012

How to Install Drivers Pc


* Right click on "my computer"

* Choose Device Manager or Manage 

*Now u can see the yellow question these are not updated drivers in your computer
* Right click on the device and click  "Update driver

*Show the menu u have Driver CD/DVD? u select the Install the software automatically and place the Driver CD/DVD on your CD-Rom Drive
*Now You Can see the copy Drivers 

*finally click finish

If u Lost Driver CD/DVD?? 

Have you lost your computer device driver CD/DVD And you can not find it, so have to throw your
old hardware away, even the whole computer? Finding the right driver
is not an easy work.

Go to and u can free download software can be scan driver can download very easy

       * Automatically Detect Unknown Device Driver
       * Keep your Drivers Up-to-Date
       * Over the 1,000,000 Hardware Driver Database
       * Driver Backup, Restore & Uninstall Features 
       * FREE for Personal Use
       * Multi-Language Interface 
       * Extremely Easy-to-Use

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Windows shortcut

This post lists keyboard shortcuts that you can use with Windows,Basic Keyboard Shortcuts that are fully compatible for your Windows operating system

#keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl)

*[Ctrl] + [A]      = Select All                                       *[Ctrl] + [S]      =Save
*[Ctrl] + [B]      =Bold                                                 *[Ctrl] + [Z]     =Undo
*[Ctrl] + [C]      =Copy
*[Ctrl] + [D]     =Duplicate
*[Ctrl] + [F]      =Find
*[Ctrl] + [G]     =Go to page    
*[Ctrl] + [H]     =Replace  
*[Ctrl] + [I]      = Itlaic    
*[Ctrl] + [J]      =Justyfy Text    
*[Ctrl] + [L]      =Left Align Text      
*[Ctrl] + [N]     =Open new Document    
*[Ctrl] + [O]     =Open        
*[Ctrl] + [P]       =Print        
*[Ctrl] + [Q]     =Quit          
*[Ctrl] + [R]      =Right Align Texr        
*[Ctrl] + [W]    =Close Document  
*[Ctrl] + [U]     =Underline                  
*[Ctrl] + [V]     =Paste                            
*[Ctrl] + [X]     =Cut
*[Ctrl] + [Esc]  =Open Programme menu   
*[Ctrl] + [F4]   = Close active document & group windows 
*[Ctrl] + [lft or Rt arrow]= Move Cursor Forward or back word
*[Ctrl] + [up or down arrow] = move cursor forward or back one paragraph

#keyboard shortcuts (Alt)

*[Alt]+ [F4]  = Quit active application or close current window
*[Alt]+ [-]     = Open Control Menu for active document
*[Alt]+ [tab] = Toggle between running application
*[Alt]+ [Esc]= Switch between Running applications 

#Windows Normal keyboard shortcuts ( With keybord windows Logo Button)

*Windows Logo                             = Display or hide the Start menu
*Windows Logo+ [U] Open     = Utility Manager
*Windows Logo+BREAK         = Display the System propatise dialog box
*Windows Logo+ [D]                 = Display the desktop
*Windows Logo+[M]                = Minimize all of the windows
*Windows Logo+SHIFT+M   = Restore the minimized windows
*Windows Logo+[E]                 = Open My Computer
*Windows Logo+[F]                  = Search for a file or a folder
*Windows Logo+ [L]                 = Lock the keyboard
*Windows Logo+ [F1]               = Display Windows Help
*Ctrl+Windows Logo+[F]        = Search for computers     

To extend a Selection press these keys..

*[ Shift]+ [Right Arrow] = once character right   
*[ Shift]+ [Left Arrow]   =  once character left
*[ Shift]+ [Up Arrow]     = one line help
*[ Shift]+ [Down Arrow]= one line down
*[ Shift]+ [Home]            = To beginingn of a line
*[ Shift]+ [Page Up ]       = one screen up
*[ Shift]+ [Page Down ] = one screen down
*[ Shift]+[End]                 =To end of line
*[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Right Arrow] = End of the word
*[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Left Arrow] =Beginning of the a word 
*[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[up Arrow]    = To Beginning of a Paragraph
*[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Down Arrow]= To End of a Paragraph
*[Alt]+[Ctrl]+[Page Down]     = To End Of Window
*[Alt]+[Ctrl]+[Home]               = To Beginning of Document

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to Install Windows 7

You  want to install windows 7, if you must complete following requirement

      ** Windows 7 system requirements**

#1 Gigahertz (Ghz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor

#1Gagabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)

#16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)

#Support for DX9 graphics with 128MB of memory 

#A DVD-Rom drive

Step -01  Windows 7 is bootable DVD. Set order to boot from the DVD then you should setup BIOS make sure that the first boot device is set to DVD-ROM  then Switch on your computer and place Windows 7 your DVD-Rom drive.Start up Your PC should automatically detect the CD and you will get a message saying (PRESS ANY KEY TO BOOT FROM CD/dvd)Then computer starts booting from the DVD your will get the This screen

Step- 02  next step is allows you to setup your language,set the  time and currency format, keyboard or input method.Complete required settings and click NEXT.

Step -03 The next screen allows you to repair or install Windows 7.  we are doing  now clean install windows 7 then click on ''Install now''

Step -04  Read the license terms and "Tick" I accept license terms agreement. Then click next to continue.

Step -05  You will now be presented with two options.


 *Custom (Advanced)
clean install we will select Custom (Advanced).

Step -06  Now we do select the partation what u need install windows 7,  You can click next to continue. If you have more that one drive or partition then you need to select the appropriate drive and click next. If you need to format or partition a drive then click Drive options (advance) before clicking next.

Step -07  Now starts the Windows 7  installation process copying all the necessary files to your hard drive:

Step -08  Then Reboot system few time,After restart don’t press any key when appears (PRESS ANY KEY TO BOOT FROM DVD) just wait and Windows installation continue.

Step -09 After the reboot your computer will be prepareing tho the 1st use

Step -10  Now set the user name and computer name you can choose yourself. Click next to continue.

Step -11  Choose your password 

Step -12  You can now type the product key this is given for you with Genuine windows ,Now click Next Button If you do not enter the product key you can still proceed to the next stage. You should entered product key windows 7 will run in trial mode for 30 days. if u not product you can't access your computer after 30 days

Step -13 Help protect your computer and improve Windows automatically. You Choose "Use recommended settings"

Step -14  Set up  time and date choose your Country time zone, click next to continue.

Step -15 Now $elect your computer  location If you are a home user then choose Home network otherwise $elect , then  restart your computer now installation windows Seven complete

Step - 16  Now complete setup windows 7 ,then restart Windows 7 will start to boot.


Friday, April 27, 2012

How To Install Windows XP

Step-01 Switch On Your PC and place your Win XP CD in your CDRom drive. Your PC should automatically detect the CD and you will get a message saying (PRESS ANY KEY TO BOOT FROM CD)Then computer starts booting from the CD your will get the This screen : 
Step 02 -Wait moment you will then get a Windows XP Professional Setup Wecome  screen. You Can do option to do a new Windows install, Repair previous install or quit. we are doing now new install we just press Enter to continue:

Step - 03 Then follows Microsoft Windows Xp license agreement ,and if you agree with Microsoft Windows Xp license agreement rules  and want to continue 
installation press <F8>  if you don’t agree and want to cancel installation press <F3> Look this Picture:                                    

Step -04 If you install Windows Xp in computer that allready have installed Windows Xp, you will see window and press <Esc> (don’t repair) in it. If you choose to press <R> than only the windows files will be rewrited and viruses will stay in your computer. Then press <Esc>  


1. If there is any partitions you can delete the with  <D> can create new partitions <C>
Choose partition where you want to install Windows Xp and press <Enter> ,Look :

Step - 05  Choose format the partition using NTFS (quick) file system Press Enter Windows will now start formatting drive C:

Step - 06 your hard disk will be formated and after that files will be copied to your hard disk, when needed files done copy computer will restart automatically

After restart don’t press any key when appears (PRESS ANY KEY TO BOOT FROM CD) just wait and Windows installation continue.

to continue Windows Xp installation Press  <Next> 

Step - 07 You Must Fill the fields Name and Organization,  it is done click <Next>

Step - 08  Write in your Windows Xp license number (serial number 25 digits) and click <Next>

Step - 09   Write in your computer name and administrator password if needed. click <Next>

Step - 09  Enter the date, time and choose your Country time zone  <Next>

Step - 10  Next Step For the network setting choose typical and press <Next> after Choose workgroup or domain name. If you haven`t member of a domain then default settings and press <Next> 

Step - 11 Finally Windows will start and come Welcome screen. Click  <Next>  to continue.

Step - 12  Choose "help protect my PC by turning on automatic updates now" and press Next if ''not ur u can Not right now" and <skip> next menu

Step - 13 Ready to activate Windows? Choose yes if you wish to active Windows over the internet now. Choose no if you want to activate Windows Xp at a later 

Step - 12 Add the user You can add 5 users (Ex :- Your name)

Step - 13  You will get a Thank you screen to confirm setup is complete. "Click finish Now" now installation windows xp complete

                        NOW COMPLETE THE INSTALLING WINDOWS XP!!!!